We started Petrikor out of a need to slow down and appreciate the things around us, from our daily routines to the products we were bringing into our home and garden.Petrikor is a general store for the modern dweller, rooted in time honored traditions and design, with a focus on thoughtfully made and sustainable products.
Our curated collection of goods evokes a simpler time; reminding us to slow down, and reconnect with the space and environment around us. These everyday classics celebrate functional and sustainable design for a traditional or contemporary home and garden.
By elevating our experiences and focusing our attention to creating moments of calm and intention, we become more thoughtful and connected to the products we bring into our spaces.
Petrichor (/ˈpeˌtrīkôr/) is the earthy smell created when rain hits the dry ground. It’s a familiar and simple scent, but complex in its chemistry and make-up. It’s ancient but fresh and it’s a universal smell we all recognize and share as a community. At Petrikor we’re straightforward, recognizable and intuitive. We give nods to the past and step toward the future. Petrikor is more than a word or a smell - it’s a feeling, a connection, and a way of life.

Aaron Sheckler [he/him]

Scott Hulme [he/him]